Title: Throne Series: 화랑/Hwarang - The Poet Warrior Youth Characters: Mumyeong/Kim Seonu, Yeowool, Park Banryu Summary: The fight for the throne of Silla turned out not to be as simple as he thought it would be.
Title: Throne Series: 화랑/Hwarang - The Poet Warrior Youth Characters: Sammaekjong/Kim Jidwi, Mumyeong/Kim Seonu Summary: The fight for the throne of Silla turned out not to be as simple as he thought it would be.
Title: Throne Series: 화랑/Hwarang - The Poet Warrior Youth Characters: Sammaekjong/Kim Jidwi, Mumyeong/Kim Seonu Summary: The fight for the throne of Silla turned out not to be as simple as he thought it would be.